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How to Stay Productive While Working from Home

It’s important to find some methods to stay productive while working remotely. These methods to stay productive help you keep your work organized and stoke your motivation. With some simple changes and adjustments, you can keep yourself focused throughout the day, even when the comforts of home become a distraction. In this article, we share some practical tips for working from home to stay productive, boost your remote performance and keep yourself motivated throughout your workday.

Use these points to help you stay organized and productive on top of your tasks while working remotely:

  1. Have a morning routine. Set a schedule, use your alarm from the get-go to follow through your normal morning habits like you would if you were going into the office. Getting ready like this, will signal a transition in your home environment into your workspace.


  1. Set practical goals. Take a few minutes at the end of each day to plan. Work out daily and weekly goals to accomplish. Break up daily objectives to build up to one larger weekly goal that contributes to your projects and assignments.


  1. Schedule more short breaks throughout your day while telecommuting. Step aside from work at least five minutes between tasks to refresh and relax. This freedom calms and relaxes the mind to reflect and reset, making you less likely to experience burnout.


  1. Use time management techniques. It is easy to be consumed in work and lose track of time when working remotely, so it’s important to incorporate some time management techniques that can help you monitor how long you’re spending on certain tasks. Set up reminders for all tasks and create a daily planner. Each task must have a reasonable time limit. A great strategy for setting up work is for two to three hours, then taking a 20- to 30-minute break.


  1. Create a workspace for yourself in a separate room of your home, or if you have limited space, set up a spot somewhere where you can comfortably work without noise and distractions. Set a boundary that lets others in the household know that the area you designate as your home office is off-limits when you’re working.


  1. When you organize and set priorities, your schedule will allow work breaks, use some of them to get outside and enjoy nature. Cut down unnecessary meetings to enjoy fresh air and other aspects of nature to help you recharge and refresh. Be strategic about your schedules and take more of your breaks outdoors. It is a most effective method for reducing stress, which is highly recommended while working from home.


  1. Eat lunch at the same time. Be ruthless with priority and make lunch breaks at the same time every day. This healthy routine gets your body used to a scheduled eating plan. Planning lunch for the same time every day gives you a plan for a longer break without distractions. You can even schedule a quick workout session or other relaxing activity before getting back to work.


  1. When your company offers opportunities for professional development, consider participating in online training. Why not look out for other available online training or courses can help you boost your skills and advance in your career?. Learning new skills and increasing your industry knowledge can help you stay motivated to succeed. Schedule more face time with family, friends and colleagues to reduce loneliness.


  1. Use a virtual video conferencing platform to meet face-to-face at least once per week. Seeing one another and communicating verbally can help you and your teammates plan and collaborate with less distractions and work more effectively. Scheduling regular face time with your team can also help you stay connected and keep you from feeling too isolated. Ask for regular feedback so you can delegate.


  1. Regular face time with your team is important, asking for regular feedback from your colleagues is essential to understanding how your team leads and managers see your performance. Along with the aspects of work that are standard, knowing exactly where you can improve, can help you delegate better and stay excited about your work. Pay attention to where you spend your time and contribute to virtual meetings with determination. Come prepared with ideas to your team’s remote meetings, through video conferencing using a group call. Speak clearly so your colleagues can hear you and give your input both verbally and in writing so your team can see and hear your ideas.


  1. Take advantage and use productivity apps in your smartphone technology. For instance, several apps can help you organize your tasks, set timers for priorities and track your performance so you can adjust your daily and weekly work goals. Schedule specific work hours with a work plan.


  1. Don’t start your morning routine by looking at your phone! To be productive, it’s crucial that you set specific “business” hours that let everyone in the house know when you’re working. For example, family members must know that you start work every morning at 9 a.m., and during the hours you’re working, you’re not to be disturbed unless it’s an emergency. When you set boundaries, your work schedule can flow more efficiently. You will achieve the right balance of productivity.


  1. To stay organized, keep your workspace clutter-free. Develop a system for keeping important files and paperwork organized. Get creative with your storage options if you have the room. Choose to use colorful manila folders rather than plain ones to separate different work documents. With any method you choose, staying consistent with your approach will develop efficient organizational and focused habits.


  1. It is impossible to develop better health unless you have a wellness routine. Analyze your time to build and develop a healthy routine for yourself. Why fight against your body’s natural state? Simply put, incorporate exercise during work. It’s important to make sure you’re moving and staying physically active throughout the day. Explore healthy meals, recipes to try and take time for self-care. To maintain productivity, staying healthy can positively impact how you perform at work.


  1. To communicate effectively avoid multitasking. Stay connected with teammates, family and friends by making a goal to communicate with them at least once per day. When you cannot work in person at a regular office, send email updates or reach out through video chat. It may seem like overcommunicating, but it’s important to focus and express yourself clearly each day.


  1. When it’s time to sign off work, sign out of social media to reset and recharge. Use your time off to schedule time away from work. Arrange to spend time with your family, do projects, learn new things, start a hobby or even start a garden. Just because you’re working from home doesn’t mean you don’t need a break!


  1. Limit the distractions you find throughout your home as much as you can. For instance, use another room or area of your home to work in. Assign children and adults to a schedule to reduce interruptions while you work. Preparing to remove these distractions from your environment will keep you focused on your work. When done correctly you will accomplish set goals and impact your productivity.


  1. Once you prioritize tasks efficiently in the time you have, you have adequate time for important duties according to urgency. You will stay on top of deadlines and remain productive even if workload sometimes increases.


  1. Scheduling shows you how to separate the most urgent priorities from other important tasks. Prepare a chart to help you list out their urgency so you can stay focused.


  1. Smart goals enable us to attain our objectives in a reasonable amount of time. However, we can also ask for support if we feel stuck or frustrated or just need to connect with someone. We can reach out to teammates and let them know what you’re going through. During times when you’re overwhelmed with workload, talk to your supervisor to work out a more flexible arrangement instead of feeling stressed. Your best friend for now is asking for help when you need. It is extremely important for keeping you healthy, calm, productive and on track. Take charge and you will be successful. is a participant in the Amazon Service LLC Associate Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to